14 OCTOBER 1989, Page 32

Mature judgment

Sir: I am 88 and my sight is poor so I can no longer read The Spectator with any care, so I am not renewing my sub. But I feel I must say 'thank you' for so many happy years.

I first read my father's copy at the age of 18. In those days The Spectator cost 6d, always spelt 'judgement' with an `e', de- clined to publish adverts for alcoholic drinks, specialised in letters from country rectors who had heard the first cuckoo, and also it had never heard of sex!

I should like to suggest that you do not stoop to vulgarity, even though some readers may like it.

With many thanks — it will be strange not to have your paper dropping through the letter box in various parts of the country, and with all good wishes for the future.

Hilda Reddich

27 Elsee Road, Rugby, Warwickshire