14 SEPTEMBER 1833, Page 12



• t?n the 10th lust., at the Lordship, Great I failham, the Lady of II. G. WARD, Esq. XX. of a daughter. On the 9th inst., in Wilton Crescent, the Lady of Captain 13nownr.ow KNOX, of a son, On the 9th inst., at Chawton House, Hants, the Lady of EDWARD KNIGHT, Esq., of a svaxi, :dill-born. On the 9th inst., at Wrexham, Denbighshire, the Lady of the Rev. W. Nuns, of a son. On the 7th inst., at Shoulden House, near Deal, the Lady of JAMES WEBSTER, EN., of a deaghter.


..ite the 10th inst., at .St. James's Church, the Rev. TIEwav STEVENS, 'Vicar of Wil- mington, to MARY FRANCES, eldest daughter of Colonel Bingham, Royal Alt ilb.ry. On the 11th inst., EDWARD, son of the late Rev. A. W. Trollop., D.D. ot' ist's Hospital, to MARY ANN, daughter of W.W. Willey, Esq., of St. Bartholomew's Hospital.


On the 7th inst, at her residence, Windsor Terrace, Clifton, in her 80th year, Mis


On. the ad inst., at Boulogne.sur-:tier, the Hon. Mrs. CHARLES MURRAY, wife of ilbjor the Hon. Charles Murray, third son of David, late Earl ot Mansfield, and brother

o ' the present EarL

On the 6th inst., at his residence,13, Connaught Place, JOHN TROTTER, Esq, of Due- !sons Park, in his 77th year. At Myles, J. BAXTER, Esq., merchant and banker, Dundee. At Shinrone, King's County, JOHN DOOLAN, Esq., known for many years on the Turf in Ireland and England. in Fort William, Brevet Captain VINCENT, of the 16th Lancers. On the 6th inst., Mr. HENRY, of Dominick Street, Dublin. Ile accompanied a party ea Thursday to the Dargle, where he was taken seriously unwell after dinner, and not - wit...fintling prompt medical aid, expired on Friday morning. It is a lamentable co- inoilenee that this young gentleman, his father, and grandfather, have all died within a Arts months of each other. Ca the 6th inst, at Camberwell Grove, HELEN, widow of the late Rev. Dr. Swan, of Xe'ren, in the county of Fife, in her 73d year. St. the 8th inst., at the house of her son-in-law, B. Branfill, Esq., walthamstow, Mrs. ass wnerraict., in her 90th year. Co the 8th lust., at Godmanchester, Captain MOLINEUX, R.N., in his 74th year. On the 9th inst., at the ViCarage, NortliflJet, Kent, in his 72d year, the Rev. GEORGE WATIYAHER, A.M., formerly of Brasenose College, Oxford, and Master of the Grammar Sthool.. but hampton. On the 7th inst., at Lee Place. Godstone, Mr. JOSEPH PENNINGTON, in his 84th year. On the 7th inst., at his residence, in Baker Street, JOHN, WHITBY ST. QUINT/N, Esq., at Batley St. George, Cambridgeshire, and Barrow Hedges, Sorry, in his 81st year.