" Iu one of the recent Cabinet Councils the recall
of Admiral Roussin from,
Constantinople btu; been decided upon. It had, at first, been intended that General Baudrand, First Aide-de-Camp to the Duke of Orleans, should be his successor ; but that plan has been subsequently given up, and the French Minister to the United States, (M. de Pontois,) at this moment negotiating here the recognition of Texas by his Government, will be immediately intrusted with the delicate and important negotiations carried on at Constantinople. All scent to agree that this high post could not be placed in more able or more proper hands. M. de Pontois has long resided, it is said, in England, and is fully aware of the paramount iniportance of keeping close and intimate the ties which so happily unite France with Great Britain. His competitor was M. Bois le Comte, known to be much imbued with Prussian interests ; but the influence of General Sebastiani has decided the choice of M. do Pontois."