14 SEPTEMBER 1839, Page 10



The authentic news from Spain, is comprised in the following tele- graphic despatches received in Paris from Bayonne- . " Bayonne, 10th September. " Twenty-two general and superior officers, amongst whom is 111outenegro, the Minister of War of Don Carlos, have entered France by the Aldudes. Montenegro affirms that about 12,000 men remain for Don Carlos, who sends

away all who are not Navarrese." " Bayonne, 11th September.

"On the 9th, Espartero made his movement on Lecumberri; and con- sequently Don Carlos and the battalions of Elio retired into the Bastan. The arrival of Echuverria and others year Don Carlos has caused Montenegro and the rest of the Court to fly. They entered France by the Aldudes. The curt of 0 Elio has made his submission with the volunteer (franc) battalion, which he commanded in La l'ablacion, on the Ebro."