Bin 'r S, A 11 1 .1 E S. AND
Chi the Sill inst., at Fiocea, the 111110,...-,, of At 1,0,intin, ton, the Lady or the llan. St. I
Al l'horelitiorli Kerry. Ilk! Look .1' a son , l heir.
On the 10111 inst., .0 _httlioredsli-y, -y. • :1 7`. ,-f a sun and heir.
On th.. 9114 inst., at ')'•. . !,• • On the 1,1 lead., the Ludy of \1.....•r .1.•S. , 11..,._ of •: r.
Dit the nit lost., at 11,111, I 1). of it sot.
(iii II., :Ill inst., at 11.111...ln, the 1..tly of the . :, of dan.thler. Ott the 71.11 intt., at St. Thomas's, f Pox. W. 14:t..-;,■..f a At Illo Batton Stacey, ihr.b.. tl. • V.- I!..t.. tvio :t.teas of a At St. ) 1■1. 1 • I.. crl. O.' . Lift. (..lards, elde,t ,.•11 iht. bad I :1:•• Ito". 1..\3i.i.L4 NIAVIO:. 11402111.T 1. Vic, WW1 1:11VA1C:. LAW., F..41..1.10:11. •:.
10 (.1.111(.1. (1,04.0111'r of Sir ,1c111,1., Ou the lilt inst.. at St. .
iner,:hanie, Berwickshire, to ra-, Hart., of Ochtellyrc,
On the 10th test., at the Alt'wy t'
lninlary or wile•hester, al:a
Itear-AtinIlrd Sir .1. Wentvoltli 1.i.c
st-t•N • • 01.
Berkelev. to NH:. TAI.14,,r, Oa 111.e ...911i tilt.. at Walton l'ark, Pocr,
Glasenw, to . \NNE Cl.'.NNINt;11.1Nt, beCUlla ol Bucks., 11.1'...1.C.S.
tni the 7th inst., al Trinity Church, • .1., I •:coax, molt
of Choate George Thornton, Esq., of 11,,1, liens, to seventh (laughter or 3..htent Du Pre, Esti., of 1111ton Park, !lucks. BEAT115.
On the canuien11111, Ee::me.00n, i.ady FRA,ER, Wife of General Sir John Fraser, G.C.11. On the 4th inst., at Beenham Vicarage, fieibs, the Hey. JolIN Vicar and Patron of livetilettn Valence.
I. I MN:a. Esq., of
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