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TnE King and Queen of the Belgians are still at Windsor; but the other members of the Saxe-Coburg family took their departure on Wednesday, for the Continent. The Queen, the Dutchess of Kent, and a large party from the Castle, accompanied the Duke Ferdinand, the Princess Victoria, and the two Princes of Saxe-Coburg, to Woolwich, their place of embarkation.
Lord Melbourne remains at Windsor, walking or riding with the Queen in the morning, and dining with her Majesty in the evening. The Marquis of Normanby arrived at the Castle on Tuesday, and joined the Royal dinner-party. Queen Adelaide visited her Majesty, and took luncheon at the Castle, on Tuesday.
Yesterday, the Queen rode to Virginia water. King Leopold and his Queen, with the Dutchess of Kent, visited Queen Adelaide at Bushy Park. Tire Royal holies returned to Wiudsor, and King Leopold went on to Claremont. Lord John Russell arrived at Windsor, and dined with the Queen.
The Duke and Dutchess of Cambridge, with their daughters, time Princesses Augusta and 3Iary, left Kew Palace on Thursday, for the Earl of Jersey's seat, Middleton Park, Oxfordshire.