Zbe inttropolis.
Colonel Torrens addressed a large sneering of Marylebone Liberals at the Mechanics Institution, New Road, on Thursday evening ; having been invited to make a declaration of his political principles, with a view to becoming a candidate to represent the borough, in conjunction with
Sir Benjamin Hall, at the next election. The Colonel declared himself in favour of Household Suffrage, Triennial Parliaments, and a Free Corn-trade. Ile objected to the clause in the Poor-law refusing out-door relief', and to the concentration' of power in the Commissioners. Several electors thought that Colonel Torrens did not go far enough ; and a vote was passed simply thanking him for his compliance with the in- vitation to attend the meeting.
The revision of the list of Parliamentary voters for the City of London will be commenced on 'Monday, by Mr. Milne and Mr. Craig. Mr. '1'. Falconer will begin the revision of the Finsbury list on Monday, and of the 3Iarylebone on Tuesday week.
Mr. James Weir llogg, M.P. for Beverley, was elected a Director of the East India Company on NVednesday, by a large majority over his competitors. TLC numbers were— J. W. Hogg
Colonel 6:dims-ay 795 399 Colonel Sykes 373 Major-General Robertson 287
The As Kiva . • A ' •, ogg's election supplies, was occasioned by Tok,-,4eM .. "k of St. Luke's, in the place of Mr. Row-
thy d f Alexander.
Idaen!.W. i:. , Oi ...r4 .ed on Thursday evening, in the signal
.., _;
.1 e ..0 4 ••- the Dissenter, and Secretary to a Church- rate Abolition Society. Mr. Fletcher polled only 151 votes, while his opponent, Mr. Joseph Burton, a Churchman, polled 601, leaving Mr. Fletcher in a minority of 450. Mr. Joseph Burton, the successful candidate, has acted for thirteen years as assistant Vestry Clerk, and is highly esteemed in the parish. In three previous elections of Vestry Clerks, the Dissenters have elected their candidates in the persons of Mr. John Wilks, Mr. Wall, and Mr. Rowland Wilks.—Tinoes. happens that Mr. Burton is a Dissenter : so no triumph to the Church in St. Luke's.]