The Journal des Dtqatts publishes a long article in answer
to the expos6 of British grievances against the French authorities in Senegal, contained in the London journals. The writer begins by vindicating France against the charge of wishing to monopolize the trade of Africa, and converting that continent into a French province. " France only possesses," says the writer, "Senegal and Gorse along the Western coast, and never gave cause to justify the imputation against her by the London press ; while England has actually endeavoured to secure to herself' that monopoly, by establishing a line of forts from Bathurst to the Cape of Good Hope, which are defended by upwards of 600 pieces of artillery. Alas: we know too well that you crush us every where by your commercial superiority the only point of the globe on which you are our tributaries, where we stand in your way, is Senegal, and you wish to take it from us. Be satisfied with the lion's share."
The stay of Prince Charles, the King of Naples brother, in Eng- land, lets been prolonged, since no arrangement has hetet concluded, notwithstanding the advances made by that Prince to his brother. The King, however, has consented to acknowledge Prince Charles's marriage; at the same time attaching to his consent the conditions to which secret marriages contracted by members of the Royal Family are subjected. l'hus his Majesty would have raised Miss Penelope Smyth to a distin- guished rank, but could not in reason yield to absurd requisitions, the result of which might have interfered with the order of suceessioa ; and this would actually have been the case, had he granted to Miss Smyth the title ol". Royal 1lighness," which he has irrevocably refused to do.— Naples Correspondent of the flows.
A scene, which appears to have excited an extraordinary sensation, ttiboln, occurred at Athens at the commencement of last month. The public executioner of Lomi had been sent for expressly to execute two brigands, who had been condemned to death; and so great is the horror of that func- tionary iii Athens, that, although the Government had tsken the pre- caution to surround him with gendarmes for his security, he fell a victim to assassination previously to the intended execution. The Govern- ment was ranch embarrassed for want of an exeeutioner when a per- SOB, who pretended to understand the wnricing et the guillotine, which was on this occasion to be used for the first time in Greece as a substi- tute for decapitation by the sword, made an offer of his services. Early in the morning on the 511 of August, the guillotine was set up, with the red flag waving over it ; and the criminels were brought out to undergo their sentence. When they were taken from the carriage in which they had beet conveyed to the spot, it III:0 no lock- smith or tool had been provided for releasilt,z theta front their chains ; and a very considerable time elaesed in breaking the
padlock with stones, mum immense erwx t fying its indignation at the torture of delay which was tints indicted upon them.
The first victim having ascended time sed , it w:Is foetal that the ex- ecutioner was not only ignf want of the mo.;.• of niing the guillinine, but that he was in a state of high nervous excitement. Musteritig courage, at length he eonnuenet-1 his operation:, hot without saceess. The knife fell before the head was introduced. The criminal then entreated the tn,ops to lire upon hi:a ; and the ex e,..a.ft finding bila self unable
to perfortn the duty which he had tave it mm r in despair.
No Magistrate, or other law oTe , . , , . 1a. i stet to deeitle the course
which was to be adopted, an Adjutant sst f full gallop to Athens for orders. Au hour and a halt' of ern,1 sc occurrel : when at
length a detachment of horse, preceded by a White Bag, arrived, and a shout was raised that the king had perdtme l the offenders. This being found to be true, the criminals kissed the crucifix ; the women who were present wept with joy ; and the in ultitude rent the air with cries of " Glory to God and the King!" Every one preised this termination.: of a scene of such painful negligence, and the crowds returned home blessing their Sovereign.