" Durham manifestations" continue in Upper Canada. The steam- ship
Liverpool has arrived, with letters and papers from New York to the 24th of August, and accounts from the British Provinces of a fort- night's latter date than those in our possession last week. A meeting had been held at Preston, iu the township of Waterloo, and the follow- ing resolutions passed.
" That notwithstanding meetings of the county and districts have been held at Dundas and Hamilton, yet, these being at a season of the year when com- paratively few of the inhabitants of this township could attend, it is the impe- rative duty of every town, village, and hamlet, to assemble and declare their sentiments on the present important crisis of our affairs, and more especially on the Report of the Earl of Durham.
"That the opinions expressed in the several resolutions adopted at the ge- neral meeting of the county of Halton, held at Dundas on Friday the 26th day of July 1839, are decidedly the sentiments of this meeting."
The inhabitants of the Newcastle district assembled at Eldon on the 2d of August, and " resolved"- " That this meeting deeply laments the unsettled state of the country, con- sequent upon a system of misgovernment which has existed for a great length of time, and which is and has been exercised by the party known as the Family Compact ; that this misgoverimient bears hard usion the loyalty of the Colony; Hutt it is a complete check to any kind of enterprise or improvement, and calls for an efficient and immediate remedy. " That this meeting looks upon tile principle of Responsible Government, as advocated by Lord Durham, as tending to produce the most beneficial effects upon the minds of the people, and confirm that loyalty which is the bulwark of the Province and the bond of connexion with the Mother-country. " That this meeting considers the Report of the Earl of Durham as pointing out the most efficient 'plans for the well-ordering of the affairs of the Province; thus recovering the stream of emigration to our shores, giving the country the full benefit of public improvements, and putting a stop at once to the discon- tent which is so generally 1121t under the present system.
" That in the coming elections, we will support only such persons, by our votes, as shall pledge themselves to carry out the principles contained in Lord Durham's Report. "That this meeting earnestly entreats all friends favourable to these views to give public expression to their opinions, in order that the Home Government may see what the people really want."
At Beaverton, Lake Simcoe, resolutions were passed by the " Free- holders of Mora and Mara," approving of Lord Durham's Report, and condemning time Family Compact. A requisition had been sent to the Sheriff of the Home District to call a meeting " to take into considera- tion Lord Durham's Report on the affairs of British North America."
The Kingston Chronicle, a Government paper, calls these meetings " Durham and Rebel" meetings.