The Toronto Patriot is a Government paper, and chiefly supported
by Government advertisements. The .,1Iorning Chronicle's correspondent " Miles" says it is " the acknowledged organ of the Compact ;" and then quotes the following passage from the Patriot of 13th August- " Gentle reader, what think ye? Whir, this opstart, parvenu Peer, is Go- vernorof a Company whose trade consists /nn the purchase and Fahe of lauds in New Zealand, and whose profits Wrist entirclo depend WI the -number qf pople they can by any means induce to emigrate Millar from England, Ireland, and Scotland. HERE TS VIE WHOLE SECRET 01' LORD DUIllIAM'S PERFIDY TO CANADA. NOthilig would afford such delight to John George Lamkton as to hear of another rebellhat haring broken out in Canada. It would insure the success ql his New Zealand bud speculation; it would insure bins two or three hundred thousand emigrants, and the sale of' some millions of acres of land: This is why he has thrown amongst us his accursed fiSebrand. Ten thousand plagues, worse than the plagues of Egypt, overtake him for it I But this a a superfluous wish, for already is he the prey of internal plagues enough—fretful, peevish discontent, remorselessly gnaws his heart—on his jaundiced visage arc legibly written ENVY, TIATRED, NIALICE. " We have abundant hope that the strong sense of this people will in good' time guard them against the selfish schemes of this opprobrium of the Britith Peerage, who is seeking, with the sang timid of a midnight assassin greedily to add to his over-abounding and ill-deserved wealth, by diverting from Canada, to the endangering of the safely of the empire, the emigrants and capital of the British Isles, to a pet laud of his own. Are the Canadian people prepared to conspire with this blot upon the aristocracy., the destruction of their own happiness and prosperity ? Will they not open their eyes ere they plunge into the abyss, to the brink of which this titii bless guide has led them?"
These imputations against Lord Durham only excite, in England, astonishment at their bedlam ite absurdity ; but what are we to think of the Government in Upper Canada whieh patronizes the foul-mouthed authors of such lies—to which they are an acceptable offering ? In the same paper, Mr. Charles Buller is called " scavenger Buller!" and says Miles, (for we have not ourselves seen the P«triot,) alongside of the words " Government contract" figuring at the head of every co- lumn.