14 SEPTEMBER 1907, Page 1

That racial animosity exists in British Columbia we are not

prepared to deny, but there seems little doubt that the Vancouver disturbances were instigated and organised by the American Labour leaders who recently engineered a similar outbreak at Bellingham, in Washington State, and are actively fomenting the agitation at Seattle. This is not only the view of the Times correspondents in Ottawa and New York, but it is also that of the New York Journal of Commerce, which in a remarkable article compares the attitude of British Columbia towards Great Britain with that of California to the Federal Government. The situation is undoubtedly serious, but there are grounds for reassurance in the coolness of the Japanese Government and the strong condemnation of the. outbreak by responsible Canadian statesmen and news- papers. The aspiration of making British Columbia a white man's country is legitimate enough, but the maintenance of Treaty rights is urged as an Imperial duty, and a clear call is made for vindicating the law of the land on behalf of those who are entitled ta iirotectien. .