The Trade Returns for August, issued last Saturday, con- tinue
to show Very satisfactory results. As compared with August, 1906, imports rose by £407,000 and exports by 13,862,660, while for the eight months ending with August the rise has been- £31,848,000 and £36,595,000 respeetiveIy. The comparatively stationary condition of imports in August is accounted for by a decline under the head of manufactures. Oh the other hand, the analysis of exports reveals an increase in manufactures of £2,206,000 for August alone, and £27,820,000 for the eight months. The largest items in the list of exports for August were: cottons, £9,736,000; iron and steel, £3,984,000 ; coal; 13,784,000 ; woollens, 13,414,882; end machinery, £2,483,000. The rise in coal stone for the month amounts to 12;850,000, and this increase is Undoubtedly One of the many factors influencing the rise iti the price of coal for bolus consumption. In this context, however, we may note an admirable article in this week's Commercial Supplement of the Times; showing how vital is the connexion between our export trade and our ability to get °award cargoes of coal.