other childrens' Book Events in Britain
Do you know about the NBL's Children's Reference Library?
The Libary is housed on the lower ground floor of the National Book League at 7 Albemarle Street, London W1X 4BB and is open from 9.30 am to 6.15 pm from Monday to
FrioaY, and from 9.30 am to 1.00 pm on Saturdays.
. Nearest underground stations: Piccadilly Circus and Green Park. This is the only place where you can see one copy of every children's n.00k, fiction and non-fiction, published over the last twelve months. . You can read all the major Journals which review children's books. You can also pick up a Useful list of all these journals, giving details of subscription rates etc.
. you can consult publisher's publicity catalogues and keep right up to date not only with what has just be.en published but also with what is in the pipeline. A collection of books about children's reading is also displayed. You can see sample posters suitable for display either in the
classroom, in the children's library Or at home.
You can collect a free list of other Publicity material, such as posters, visual aids etc., which is available
fr„.nin Publishers on request. The list 6Ives publisher's names and addresses.
We can give you a free list of authors and illustrators who are prepared to speak on children's °cooks in different parts of the country. The list gives details of
each speaker's preferred topics, tyPe of audience etc., and an indication of how to contact them. We can supply information on current and forthcoming activities concerned with children's books, and a list .of libraries, bookshops, Letc., where children's books are to ue found. Copies of all NBL booklists relevant to children's books are displayed for reference and can be Purchased. The NBL produces some 18 selected bibliographies each year.
We can also give you details of NBL exhibitions of children's books available for hire anywhere in the country, at very low rates.
In the main Library of the NBL, You can see the Leslie Linder L„nllection of the original works of tleatrix Potter. There is also a en!lection of books on the history of c.hildren's books and book illustration.
In all cases a member of the NBL staff will be glad to try and help with your problems and queries. The Library is open to the gener'1. PUblic. Come on your own or With Your children, or bring a group ,v..[ students (only for numbers over
Please give us advance warning where possible). •
1„ The books cannot, unfortunatebe borrowed but working space
'0 provided if you want to make notes, Selected, annotated booklists, of Particular interest to teachers and
librarians, produced by the National Book League this year: Background To Children's Books. For those who want to
know more about children's books this is the ideal list. Books on history, illustration, children's authors, storytelling etc. It also lists journals, societies and the major prizes concerned with children's books. 40p (35p NBL Members); inclusive of postage.
Children's -Books Of The Year 1973. A selection from the books
published in 1973, both fiction and non-fiction. All ages covered in section^ and fully annotated £1.10 (90p NBL Members); inclusive of
postage. The NBL can also supplY Children's Books of the Year 1970, 1971 and 1972 and the set of four of these booklists can be purchased at the special price of £2.85 (£2.20 NBL Members).
Teaching English. A comprehen
sive list covering language and linguistics, the primary school, talking, drama, writing English, teaching poetry, reading, the mass media, materials for the classroom, examinations, broadcast materials and periodicals. 45p (40p NBL Members); inclusive of postage.
Teaching Reading. This list contains books suitable for initial teacher training, more advanced texts covering language developmentlanguage difficulty and lin
guistics; materials, media and methods for the classroom; testing, diagnosis and reading difficulty; reading, research, and the selection and appraisal of books for children, 40p (35p NBL Members); inclusive of postage.
A list of National Book League children's and educational publications; details of membership and a copy of the NBL Handbook which has details of touring book exhibitions, can be obtained free of charge from the National Book League, 7 Albemarle Street, London W IX 4BB.
The Workshop, 83 Lambs Conduit Street, London WC I. 01-242 5335.
26 September-13 October, MonFri 10.30-5.30, Sat 10.30-1.30: Four Illustrators of Children's books: Janet Archer, Anthony Colbert, Faith Jaques and Fritz Wegner. This exhibition has been organised with the help of Treld Bicknell, Art Director of Kestrel/Puffin Books.
Wheatfield Junior School, Downes Road, Off The Ridgeway, Marshalswick
Saturday 28 September, 10am-4pm: Grand Book Bonanza. Children's authors, films, competitions, bookshop and two children's book exhibitions supplied by the National Book League. Paperbacks 2-11 and Fiction 9-13. This exhibition has been organised by the St. Albans Children's Book Group. For further information contact Mrs Ann Keates, 29 Roland Street, St. Albans. Telephone St. Albans 58079.
Cambridgeshire High School for Boys, Hills Road, Cambridge.
29 October-2 November, 10am-6pm: Cambridge Children's Book Show visiting authors, competitions, bookshop. This exhibition has been organised by Heffers of Cambridge with the Cambridgeshire and Isle of Ely Education Authority. For further information contact Mr Robert Machesney, Cambridge 58351.
National Book League, 7 Albemarle Street, London WI. 01-493 9001. 5-30 November: Frances Hodgson Burnett. An exhibition to mark the 50th anniversary of the death of the author of such notable children's novels: A Little Princess; The
Secret Garden and Little Lord Fauntleroy. Letters, photographs, first editions and the MS for The Secret Garden loaned by kind Permission of the New York Public Library.
October 5th, 1974 Conference and AGM followed by an illustrated talk by Charles Keeping. 10am-7pm. Book Exhibitions and Books For Sale. Exhibition of illustrations by Charles Keeping and Renate Meyer, at the Caxton Hall. Tickets £1.50 from Jacquie Crozier, Little Manor Cottage, School Lane, Welwyn, Herts.