Irbe Country.
Messrs. Baring and Bonham Carter have addressed two letters to their constituents at Portsmouth, promising to become candidates again whenever a dissolution shall take place. The following passage from Mr. Baring's letter is singular, as coming from a Secretary of the Treasury--" I do not share in the aniticipations of a speedy dis- solution; and, until better informed, shall be inclined to treat the ex- pectation as one of those numerous tales with which the Tories have so long been in the habit of deluding and consoling themselves." (Does Mr. Baring mean to intimate that the Tories have cause to wish for a dissolution—that they would gain votes by a new election?]
It is said that the requisition to Mr. Creswell to stand for Liverpool has received 3000 signatures. But of these, bow many are electors who can be relied upon ? In Liverpool, much depends upon the skilful distribution of cash a few hours before the poll closes. We do not lay much stress on a requisition from Liverpool, however nu- merously signed.
Mr. Pascoe Grenfell is talked of as a Liberal candidate for South Lancashire, Mr. Hardy is said to be in very bad odour at Bradford, and likely to lose his seat : we wish he may.
Eighty names have been added to the requisition to Mr. Baines and Sir William Molesworth, since the requisition was presented ; and the investigation that has taken place into the intentions of the voters in the Liberal interest who have not signed the requisition, has, we are told, shown that there is a decided majority of the whole body of the electors in their favour.—Leeds Mercury.
Mr. Fenton comes forward again as a candidate for Rochdale, on the Reform interest. On the other side, Mr. Royds and Mr. Holland have been named as candidates ; but we think it probable that, under existing circumstances, no opposition will be offered to the return of Mr. Fenton.—Manehester Guardian.