15 APRIL 1837, Page 11


On the 10th inst., at Burghley, the Marchioness of ExETER, of a daughter.

FOn the 12th inst., jut Grosvenor Slitiare. the Right Hon, Lady Putaimoax. of a son aud lick.

On the 0th inst., in lielgrave Square, the Lady of Cnamas TRACY Liman, Esq, of

Solt Oh 111F 8111 inst., at St. Neots, Mrs. NEVILLE DAY, of twins.

On the 10t11 inst., at the house of her father, Brice Pearce, Esq., Munkliam, Essex,

the Lally of DA:ster. Nitranosn, Esq., of a daughter. Oil the 7th inst., at Wilshall, near Alton, the Lady of Commander GEORGE DODSON, Of :1 son.

On the 0th inst., at Cheltenham, the Lady of the Rev. CHARLES lImiawr, 11.A., of

a Solt


On tbe 12th inst., at St. George's Church. Hanover Square. the Right Honourable Lord ARTHUR MARCUS CECIL BILL, second brother of the Mat gal's of Downshire, to

Lortss. yonnoest dmit,liter of Joseph Blake. Esq. of Gloacester Place, INntmau Square,

• o and of South Carolina.

On the 34 inst.. at Milan. CH.%111.0TTE LEOPOLDINA, second daughter of the late

Admiral Sir Richard Strachan. Batt.. G.C.11.. to Coma En SNUEL DE ZICIIY,

lain to the Einprror, and Major of Oa, ii ougarian U tart, Oti the flit inst., at Grill 'mon. Wilts, the Rev. RICH %RD PRANKARD JONES, Rector of Chardeld. Gloucestershire. to ELIZA/1E7n C HA Ri.o.rtp:, Widow of the late Captain Kea, ney White, R.N. and daughter of the late Joseph Neeld. Esq.. of Gloucester :Mee. Portman Sqnare. 41111 Ole 11111 inst.. at Si. Mary's Church. Cheltenham, Jotter, eldest son of Isaac Cook- son. r,,o1.. of Meldon Park, No.rtittimberland. to SARAH. eldest daughter of the late Sir

Slattliew White Bart., of Illagden. Northumberland.

On the 5t1, inst.. at Waleut Church. l5thi. WittIAM 1..COIQUIVOUN, Esq.. of Chu hick, son ttf the late Right lion. A. Co'.quitoen, Lord Register or seottonot, to Lou ISA, fourth daughter of the lute Waltham Locke, Esq., M.P., of ituwileford House, Wilts.


On the 10th inst., at Kensington. Lady DE 1,'Isby, in her 451 year. Ou the 10111 inst., at her house itt South Atulley Street, the Hon. Mrs. ANNE Vett. NON. in 11Fr 64111 year. On Ilte 2.1 inst., at Banff, Josytut BETHUNE. Esmi.. NIP NIttior imu the 7:011 II 1:till:linters

On the St hi inst., in his ffitli year. DAVID JONES ES11., %silo ntli fur .10 years in the Engrossing office of the Boos,. of Commout. Mr. Jones was known thrcughout Wales as Davy.1,1 Hael 0 Dowyn, David the Generous, of Towyti. On the 4th Dec.. at Canton. fver the upsetting of a boat, in his 15t year, Dille ix S. Cost PRE( t. Midshipman Mae Viseotint Mitt tutu,', and eldest son of Duncan Cainp- Lett, Esti of Upper Gloticester Pitme, Dorset Square. On the 9th inst., at Wool. ich, tht• Rev. Samem. Wpasosr, MD.. Senior Chaplain of the Ordnanee department in that garrison, Rector of Gravesend, and a Magistrate for the county of Rent. On the sill inst., at Southam, Warwickshire. EDWARD Tom V.4. ES(I.. ill his 66th year. On the 9th inst.. at Latigham Place, in her /39t11 year, Sirs. WILDER, relict or the Rev

Ilt•nry 0.1).. of Pulley Hall, Berks. 0,1 the 9th inst., at Archibald Place, Ellinbargh, the Rev. Professor l's vrosr.

On the 1 1th inst., at Hurst. Berks. after years of painful sulferinz, Rica ARD WysT. R('01(• Esq.. in his 624 year, formerly a Magistrate for Die comity. On the 5th inst.. Mrs. IlaunEn. in Barrett's: Count, Wigmore Street, in her II 1th year. Ills said that the iletteaerd accomplished a journey on root from Liverpool to Lon!ttil in nineteen days, being at the time upwards of 100 years old.

IMF. Josveti Mtt,LER, of Williamstown, near thiblin, in his 1021 year.

At Liskeard. Mr.'f ar.sttvxy, in his lOttd year. Within a year of his death be fetched water from the well for his muse. At Bntterton, Stafford, Mrs. lizzstr WARDLE, itz her 105111 year. She Nerd kult, sew, and read to the last.

On the 7th, of March, bases saana.err. aged 16 months: 15111, WILLIAM. 6 years and 6 months; 91st, JUDITH. With of E. Sharratt, 5); 2241 veers. infant; nth. MARY ANN, 5 years aud 3 months ; 29.11. L veil., 3 years aud 11 mouths. Thus in three weeks has Edward narrate, of Kidderminster, been bereft of every member of .

his family.