15 APRIL 1843, Page 10


ARRIVED—At Gravesend. 9th April. Ellenborough, Close, from Calcutta ; 13th, John King, Bristowe, from Mauritius. At Portsmouth, 11th ditto, Cornwall. Hillman. fr,m China; 14th, Harbinger, Candlish, from Manilla. At Liverpool, 12th ditto, Provi- dence, Williams, from Bombay. At Cork, 10th ditto, neva, Sprout from Mauritius ; 13th, Litherland, Freeman, from MAR. At St. Helena. 22d Feb. Cadet. Curling, from China. At Cape of Good Hope, Iltla Feb. Java, Parsons, from London. At Mauritius, 31st Jan. Gilbert Munro, Nicholson ; and John Bullet, Austen, from Lou- don. At Moulmein, 5th Jan. Morning Star. Harrison. from London.

SAILED—From Gravesend, 8th April, Bombay, Furley, for Madras; 9th, Bengal Merchant. RossAr Ditto ; and 13th, Dorothea, Smith, for Calcutta. From Liverpool, 11th ditto, Siren, bakes, for Calcutta, and 12th, Peruvian, Pitkethly, for Bombay.