Krocx Excitation, FRIDET Armstioon. The alarm occasioned by the Chartist meeting on Monday was considerable during the early part of the day, but subsided as the day advanced. Consols Were sold at 80 early in the morning, and before the opening of the Stock Exchange: when business commenced the price improved, speedily rose to 80i, and in the course of the afternoon advanced to 81*. The improvement continued till Wednesday, when the price had advanced to 83*. A sudden reaction to 81* then took place; and, after fluctuating between 82 and 88 for the last two days, the closing quotation this afternoon is 821 *,—being a rise of nearly 2 per cent from the closing price of Saturday last. The settlement of the Consol Account occurred yesterday; and at one time Consols for Money were from * to * per cent dearer than for the May Account; that premium being in many instances paid to borrow Stock from one account to the other. This high premium, by inducing capitalists to supply the market with Stock, rendered it plentiful; and before the end of the day the price both for money and time was equal. Money
continues very abundant, and the premium of Exchequer Bills without material change. The rates of exchange upon Paris are rather more favourable than they were last week; and though the business transacted in the negotiation of bills of exchange is still limited, it has been more extensive today than for some time. In the Foreign Market, on Monday, prices generally experienced a farther de- cline. A large sale of Brazilian Stock occurred at 53; and almost all kinds of Foreign Bonds were lower than last week. A better feeling has since prevailed, and in some instances a considerable advance in price has occurred. The mate- rial improvement has been almost entirely confined to the South American Bonds; those of Continental Europe being but slightly firmer. Brazilian have today been done at 59, being a rise of 6 per cent; Peruvian, which were at 20, are at 28 to 29; Spanish Three per Cents are also about 2 per cent higher, having reached 19*. The aspect of this market for all descriptions of Stock is certainly much firmer than it was last week.
The larger Railway Shares have advanced very considerably. From the mo- ment it became evident that the Chartist movement would prove innocuous, the value of Shares began to rise. The advance upon the Great Western, North- western, and Midland, was from 5d to 8/. per share. It may be mentioned that much of the fall last week was occasioned by fear of injury to the lines from popular commotion. The French Shares are rather firmer today; the negotiation with the Directors of the various Companies for the assumption of the lines by the Government being considered as likely to render the present nearly valueless pro- perty of more value.
The accounts of the Bank of England, for the week ending the 8th April, exhibit when compared with those of the preceding week the following results-
BANIUNa DEIVIETKENT. Increase. Decrease.
Rest Public Deposits
L605,343 2,554,041
Other Deposits
Seven-day and other Bills 81,864
Government Securities, including Dead-weight.. 961,300
Other Securities
476,137 Notes unissued
1,107,120 Actual Circulation 572,675
Notes issued
This reek.
Last reek.
Total Bullion in both Departments 14,602,431 16,218,866 Actual Circulation 18,240,630 17,667,865
The first price of Consols for Money was 82* ; since which the market has given way to 82*, and the present quotation is 82**. The Foreign Bonds are all nominally at yesterday's prices. The Share Market is rather firmer; the only transactions as yet recorded being the following: Eastern Counties, 18; North- western, 127; South-western, 44.
82t 4 Danish a per Cents
Ditto for Account: 82
Dutch 24 per Cents ........ 368
3 per Cent Reduced
804 I
Ditto 4 per Cents. 52 5 34 per Cents 81 I I Mexican 5 per Cents 1846...
Long Annuities
New Grenada 12 14 Bank Stock
Portuguese N. 4 per Cents 1842 14 16 Exchequer Bills 38 42 prem. Portuguese Old 1824 44 8 India Stock
Russian 5 per Cents 75 80 Brazilian 5 per Cents 55 60 Spanish (Active) S per Cents 104 11 Belgian 44 per Cents Buenos Ayres 18 22 Ditto 3 per Cents 1849 Venezuela 19
184 23201
(minim 6 per Cents 80 S
HAND OF KNOLAND. the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending on Saturday, the 8th day of April 1848. MOE DEPARTKENT• £28,008,385 Government Debt £11,015,100 Other Securities 2,984 SOO
Gold Coln and Bullion 18,089,798 Silver Bullion 1,918,587 £26.068,885 Proprietors' Capital ...... £14,553,000
Government Securities, (in-
Rest 3,396,002 eluding DeadiVeightAnnulty)212,682,888 Public Deposits. 4,568,084 Other Securities 12,410,153 Other Deposita 11,981,863 Notes 9,767,750 Seven Day and other Bills . 1,007,886 Gold and Silver Coln 594,048
£33,504.814 535.5(14.814
• Including Exchequer, Savings Hanks, Commissioners of National Debt & Dividend Accts.
An Account, pursuant to