The several events which have influenced Government Securities this week have been important, producing rather extensive fluctuations daily. The Funds opened with great firmness on Monday, and Consols advanced rapidly to 891: the news of the morning was, that an Austrian army had been sent to Semis, to arrest a violation of that country by the Russians; and that a protocol had been signed between England, France, and Austria, for preserv- ing the integrity of the Danubian Principalities. Afterwards the Funds de- clined nearly 1 per cent ; through depression on the French Market, and a fear that some increase to the National Debt might be contemplated. On Tuesday, Consols fell about 11 per cent, having touched 87: they were affected first by a prevailing distrust at Vienna in any permanent union be- tween Austria and the Western Powers, and later in the day by accounts from Berlin of the recall from London of Chevalier Bunsen, the Prussian Minister. Consols afterwards rallied a little closing at 871 1. Yesterday an advance of more than 1 per cent occurred, and Consols were done at 881; caused by the financial communications from the Chancellor of the Exchequer on the previous night, the con- firmation of the defeat of the Greek insurgents near Janina, and a more favourable construction on the probable removal of the Prussian Mi- nister. Consols afterwards fell I, when it transpired that no corresponding improvement had occurred in Paris to our advanced prices transmitted that morning. Money has been plentiful both in the Stock Exchange and out of doors ; and investments have been numerous by trustees and others who have received payment from the South Sea Annuities. The amount of sur- plus revenue available in reduction of the National Debt for the quarter is 813,876/. ; nearly the whole of which, it is presumed, will be applied to the redemption of Deficiency Bills From the debate on Tuesday it appears to be contemplated by our Government, probably before the next quarterly dividends, to adopt some arrangement which shall prevent any necessity to apply to the Bank for temporary advances : the plan has yet to be explained.
At 'Vienna and Amsterdam, the Funds have been rising, and were proba- bly influenced by the late improvement on our market : the last accounts, however, show a slight reaction. The rate of the Continental exchanges generally exhibits steadiness, but gold is still occasionally sent from London to Pans. Accounts from Russia exhibit no reaction from the deterioration of the paper currently; and there have been mercantile failures of some im- portance at St. Petersburg, Riga, and Moscow. Today the Funds are a little lower ; Consols have ranged between 881 and 871 and leave off at 871 1 for both Money and Account. Bank Stock has improved 3f this week, and India Stock 2; Exchequer Bills are la. lower. Foreip Securities continue to be influenced by the general feeling pre- vailing in other departments, and are rather firm : an improvement on Mon-, day has not been maintained in some eases. Russian Five per Cents were then 9.5 7; but on Tuesday that Stock was done as low as 894, the effect of public indignation at the rumoured appropriation of the effects of Sir Ha- =Men _Seymour by the Emperor. Yesterday they closed at 90 3 and are
- - today the 'same. An improvement has occurred this week in the following— Sardinian and Swedish, 2; Austrian, DuteIrTwo-and-a-balf, and Portuguese Four per Cents, 1; Spanish Three per Cents, I. The decline has been— Russian Five per Cents, 2.; Ditto Four-and-a-half, and Dutch Four per Cents, 1; Mexican, f.
Railways advanced early on Monday from 1/. to ; which was not fully maintained. The arrangement of the Account took place on Tuesday, and the fall in Consols caused a decline in some instances of I/. to 2/. Yesterday there was a better market, and the difference in some of the leading lines compared with last Saturday's was to the fol- lowing extent. Increase—Scottish Central, 21.; Bristol and Exeter, Edin- burgh and Glasgow London, Brighton, and South Coast, and Scottish Midland, 1/. ; South-Eastern, and Midland, 58. Decrease—East Lancashire, and Great Northern, 1/.; Great Western, and York and North Midland, 10s. London and North-Western have not altered. In Foreign Shares the im- provement has been—Western of France, 10s.; Namur and Liege, Paris and Strasbourg, and Sambre and Meuse, 5.3. Paris and Lyons have de- clined 7s. 6d., and Northern of France 2s. 6d. Today there has been very little doing, and the English and Foreign lines are a shade lower.
Tomorrow, Good Friday, will be a close holiday at the Bank of England and Stock Exchange.
The English Funds are rather lower this morning; the chief cause being a decline of 309,1191, in the-bullion-return by the Bank of England. Consols are now 871 it for Money and Account. Exchequer Bills 1 5 pm. The French Funds came rather stronger today. Foreign Stocks have not altered, and the prices are nominal. In Railways there is no particular feature : these are the present bargains—Bristol and Exeter, 90; London and North- Western, 954; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 604; London and South-Western, 76; North British, 30; South-Eastern, 684; York and North Midland, 451, SATURDAY, Two O'CLOCK.
The English Funds leave off at the morning's prices, after being a little higher : Consols have been 871, but have returned to 871 i for Money and Account. Bank Stock is 1 lower, and Exehequer Bills- are dull at par to 4 pm. India Stock has improved; it is now 225 30. In the Foreign Mar- ket, Austrian is 1 better ; Russian Stocks have fallen 1,—the Five per Cents are now 90 2, and the Four-and-a-half per Cents 79 81.
Railways are a little higher, but very few bargaius have occurred, owing to a thin attendance of members of the Rouse. The latest transactions are these—Ambergate, Notts, Boston, and Eastern Junction, 44' Bristol and Exeter, 90; C.aledonian, 521; Eastern Counties, 111; Great Northern, 86; Great Western, 71/ ; Lancaster and Carlisle, 874; Lancashire and York- shire, 601; Ditto Fifths, 104; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 98; Lon- don and North-Western, 954; London and South-Western, 764; Midland, 571; North British, 34; South-Eastern, 69; South Wales 324; Vale of Neath, 17f ; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 65; Ditto Extension, 11; York and North Midland, 454; North British, 100; York, Newcastle, and Ber- wick, 4 per Cent Preference, 884; Rouen and Havre, 17 ex die. Mines— Brazilian Imperial St John- del Rey, 31; Waller, a. Miscellaneous—Austra- lian Agricultural, 364; Crystal Palace, 61; General Steam Navigation, 22, 3 per Cent Consols
874 4
Danish 3 per Cents
72 5 Ditto for Account 874 Dutch 24 per Cents 56 8 3 per Cent Reduced 854 4 Ditto 4 per Cents 84 6 34 per Cents 874 4 Mexican 3 per Cents 234 44 Long Annuities 44
Peruvian 44 per Cents.
59 61 Bank- Stock 214 16 Ditto 3 per Cents 41 4 Exchequer Bills par 4 pm. Portuguese 4 per Cents 36 8 India Stock 225 30 Russian S per Cents 90 2 Austrian 5 per Cents 75 80 Ditto 44 per Cents 79 81 Brazilian Spar Cents. . 92 4 Spanish 3 per Cents 3,5 6 Belgian 44 per Cents 80 5 Ditto Deferred 174 4 Chilian 6 per Cents 98 100 Sardinian 5 per Cents 77 9 Danish 5 per Cents 90 5 Sivedish 4 per Cents 80 5