Orrice or ORDNANCE, April 10.-Corps of Royal Engineers-Lieut.-Col. H. J.' Savage to be Col. vice R. Jones, deceased; Capt. T. H. Rimington to be Lieut.-Col. vice Savage ; Second Capt. G. C. &Lillie to be Capt. vice Rimington ' • First Lieut. H. W. Tyler to be Second Capt. vice Baillie ; Second Lieut, B. W. 11.D. Dumaresq to be First Lieut. vice Tyler.
Memorandum.-The date of the promotion of the undermentioned officers has been altered to the 21st of March 1854: Lieut.-Col. Repwick, Capt. Gossett, Second Capt. Jervois, First Lieut. Hale.
WAR-OFFICE, April 14.-5th Regt. of Drag. Guards-Major T. to Merchant, front half-pay Thratt. to be Major, vice Brevet Lieut.-Col. C. W. M. Balder's, C.B. who exchanges; Assist-Surg. W. Cattell, from the 214 Foot, to be Assist.-Surg. vice Woods, who exchanges. 6th Drags.-Cornet and Adjt. A. Weir to have the rank of
Lieut.; Cornet J. Stewart to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Jones. who retires. 16th thags.-J. P. W. G. Holford, Gent, to be Cornet, by purchase, vice St. Clair, appointed to the 40th Foot. Scots Fusilier Guards-Hon. C. B.. Hay to be Ensign and Lieut. by purchase, vice the Hon. G. G. Dalrymple, whose retirement was an- nounced in the Gazette of the 17th Feb. 1854. 4th Foot-Lient.-Col. II. C. Cobbe, from the 24 West India Regt. to be Lieut.-Col. vice A. H. Trevor, who retires upon. half-pay. 19th Foot-Brevet Col. the Hon. H. S. Pane, from half-pay Irnatt. to be' Lieut.-Col. vice C. C. Hay, who exchanges; Major R. Sanders to be Lieut.-Col, by purchase, vice Fane, who retires • Capt. H. E. APGee to be Major, by purchase,vice Sanders ; Lieutenant Oswald Augustus Grimston to be Captain, by pur-
chase, vice M'Gee ; Alexander Fraser Unett, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase.' 233 Foot-Assiet.-Surg. D. Woods, from 5th Drag. Guards, to be Assist.-Surg. vice Cattail, who exchanges. 27th Foot-Lieut. F. Rhodes to be Capt. by purchase, vice Johnston, who retires; Ensign H. B. Patton to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Rhodes ; C. E. Stewart, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Patton. 50th Foot- Paymaster H. Roberts to be Lieut. vice Nowlan, appointed Paymaster; Lieut. .1. Nowlan to be Paymaster, vice Roberts, appointed Lieut.; Lieut. J. Thompson to be Acljt. vice Murchison, who resigns the Adjutautey only. 55th Foot- Gentleman Cadet the Hon. A. E. Harris, from the Royal Mil. Coll, to be Ensign, without pur- chase, vice Semi!. deceased. 73d Foot-Brevet Lieut.-Col. F. 0. A. Pinckney to be Lieut.-Col. without purchase, vice Eyre, who retires upon half-pay; Brevet
Col. H. B. Saunderson, from Major half-pay Unattached, to be Major, vice Pinck- ney; Brevet Major It. P. Campbell to be Major, by purchase, vice Saundersoa, who retires ; Lieut. J. C. Gawler to be Capt. by purchase, vice Campbell ; Ensign P. F. Shuldharn to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Gawler ; Hon. C. B.. Ward tobe Ensign, by purchase, vice Shuldham. 92d Foot-Lieut. Hon. W. Charted, to be Capt. by purchase, vice Horne, who retires ; Ensign G. H. Parker to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Cbarteris; P. F. Gooch, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Parker.
Depot Battalion at Parkhurst-Paymaster F. Feneran, from the 95t1s Foot, to be Paymaster, vice Mackenzie, appointed to Ferinoy. Depot Battalion at Walmer-Paymaster J. Fagan, from the 98th Foot, to be Pay- master, vice Feneran, appointed to Parkhurst.
Depot Battalion at Winchester-Paymaster P. V. Wood, from half-pay 14th Foot, to be Paymaster.
Depot Battalion at Fermoy-Lieut.-Col. E. W. W. Passy, from half-pay 56th Foot, to be Lieut.-CoL; Paymaster H. B. Mackenzie, from the Depot Battalion at Parkhurst, to be Paymaster. Depot Battalion at Templemore--Paymaster G. Bartley, from half-pay 54th Foot, to be Paymaster ; Capt. S. W. H. Hawker, from half-pay 6th Foot, to be Adjt.; Quartermaster G. Thompson, from the 27th Foot, to be Quartermaster.
Brevet-Col. H. H. Rose, C.B. to have the rank of Brigadier-Gen. whilst em. ployed with the army on a particular service; Lieut.-Col. T. P. Thompson, half pay, Unattached, to be Col. in the Army; Capt. E. S. Claremont, of the Royal Ca- nadian Rifle Rest. to have the rank of Major in the Army, while employed on a par- ticular service ; Capt. R. Blanc, half-pay Unattached, on the Staff of the Army pro- Turkey, to be Major in the Army. Hospital Staff-Staff-Surg. of the Second Class G. H. lteade, from half-pay, to be Principal Apothecary ; K. Jenner, Gent, to be Purveyor to the Forces.
Errata in the Gazette of the 11th instant-Staff -For Brevet Col. .T. B. Gough, C.B. half-pay 3d Light Drags. Deputy-Quartermaster-Gen. in the East Indies, to be Deputy-Quartermaster-Gen. in Ireland, vice Col. Pennefather, appointed Brigadier- Gen. on a particular service, read Brevet Col, J. B. Gough, C.B. half-pay 3.3 Light -Drags. Quartermaster-Gen. in the East Indies, &c.
Memorandum-The date of the appointment of Lieut. T. Roper, as Adjt. of the 47th Foot, to be 20th Feb. in lieu of 17th March, as previously stated.