THE QUEEN and the Royal Family left Buckingham Palace on Wednes- day afternoon about half-past three o'clock, and arrived at Windsor Castle at half-past four.
Her Majesty held a Court on Monday, at Buckingham Palace, to re- ceive an address from the Corporation of London, presented by the Lord Mayor; who was accompanied by seven Aldermen, above a hundred Common Councilmen, the Recorder, and other City functionaries. The address tendered to the Queen the loyal support of the Corporation in the war with Russia. Her Majesty replied- " I thank you for the renewed expression of your attachment to my per- son and family ; and I receive with great satisfaction the assurance of your cordial support in the course which I have felt it right to pursue in order to reestablish the peace of Europe on permanent foundations." The Lord Mayor, and the mover and seconder of the address, Mr. An- derton and Mr. Sheriff Wire, kissed hands. Subsequently, Lord Aberdeen had an audience of the Queen ; and Rear-Admiral Vergin also had an audience, and presented his credentials as Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary from the Xing of Sweden and Norway. On Monday, Lord Raglan had an audience of the Queen ; and the Duke of Cambridge took his leave, on proceeding to join the expedition to Turkey. The Queen visited the Duchess of Gloucester on Saturday afternoon, and in the evening went to the Olympic Theatre.