15 APRIL 1854, Page 6


The reports of -the state of agriculture, as given by the journals, are very favourable. ' The value of land is mounting up towards the old war standard : to meet the demand for flax caused by the loss of Russian sup- plies, great exertions are made ; a larger breadth of potatoes has been planted, and wheat and oats are sown in greater quantities than ever. This has been done in the face of a drain of population and the conse- quent rise in wages.

Lord Campbell has established an industrial school on his property at Barns, county Galway, in which the children of the village and neigh- bourhood are instructed in sewing, &c., and paid for whatever they do.

Three men, Grant, Quin, and Coomey, were hanged at Monaghan on Monday, for the murder of Mr. Thomas Bateson. Few scenes preceding an execution have been so striking and unusual. All three were in the best spirits, and bade farewell to wives, children, and friends, with the .greatest cheerfulness on both sides. Three Roman Catholic priests attended them. On the morning of the execution, the reporter of the Northern Whig tells us that he saw them in prison. They were walking in a yard, having "par- taken of an excellent breakfast," two smoking, and all exhilarated. When pitied, Coomey said he never felt so happy ; he was sure of meeting his Sa- viour! Quin said, he would not accept a reprieve if it came. The Sub- Sheriff said he was sorry to see men in their position. "Sorry ! " said one of -them, in a tone of surprise : "why, it is glad you should be, sir. "He then asked them if they had any statement to make to him in relation to the offence for which they were to die ? "No," said Coomey, "our Saviour said -nothing when he was executed!"

Quin and Grant were first taken to the scaffold. Quin said, "Hell cannot now scare us" and, addressing the hangman, "He's doing the best job ever done for us." At their request the priests blessed them; and one said, "Remember the penitent thief on the cross: in one moment you'll be in heaven." Upon which Quin exclaimed, "Mary, mother of God! receive us ;--prepare heaven for us." Grant said nothing. When they were hanged, the great crowd shrieked and yelled madly. Coomey came next. "I am quite content ; I am going to my God," said he. When the rope was ad- justed, he meekly asked, "May I now go, gentlemen?" He died without a struggle, and again the crowd yelled.