There are few firms in England which can compete either
in age or reputation with Messrs. Tattersall, four generations of the name having carried ou the same business as auctioneers in the same place. The lease of " The Corner," which they took from Earl Grosvenor ninety-nine years ago, has now expired, and the Marquis of Westminster wanting the site for other pnrposes, they have removed to new and much more extensive premises near Albert Gate. Sporting men thought the occasion a good one for a dinner in honour of a family which for a century has acted as a sort of pivot for turf business, and it was given on Tuesday by 250 gentlemen, including some of the best names in England. The honour paid to the firm has by the testimony of all men been well deserved, the Tattersalls having proved for a hundred years that it is possible for men to be up to the lips in turf busi- ness and yet maintain their integrity.