15 APRIL 1882, Page 2

Prince Bismarck has recently avowed, in the clearest words, his

reason for pressing the tobacco monopoly upon the German Parliament. It is precisely the reason we explained, when dis- cussing his defeat in the Economic Council. He holds, says the Provincial Correspondence, his direct organ, that the German Empire is fairly safe externally, but that it cannot be fully con- solidated until it "stands financially on its own legs," and is independent of contributions from the minor States. It must also "improve the lot of the common people." The Chancellor declares himself, therefore, as eager as ever that the monopoly should be established this year, for he has few remaining years,. and the loss of one "might involve the definitive defeat of his plans." A week since, Prince Bismarck advertised publicly his thanks for some congratulations which he could not acknowledge himself, owing "to my diminished power of writing." The pro- bable duration of his own life is evidently becoming a distinct factor in Prince Bismarck's calculations, and increases his im- patience of opposition. He will be defeated on the Tobacco Bill, nevertheless, by a heavy majority.