15 APRIL 1922, Page 15


[To THE EDITOR Or THE " SrECTArOR."] SIR,—The fiftieth anniversary of Mazzini's death, which has been celebrated with so much honour in Italy, seems opportune for making an appeal to those in the United Kingdom who love and honour the memory of the great apostle of unity. The house where he died in Pisa has been preserved as a Monumenta Nazionale, exactly as it was on March 11th, 1872, and of late many interesting mementos have been collected there, including letters, documents, notebooks, photographs, books with his autograph, &c. It has been felt by many that to leave such precious things in private families is exposing them to great risk, lest they fall to those ignorant of their value. Here, in this small museum, they will be as safe as human care can make them, guarded as a sacred trust by the Curator, Professor• Peleo Bacci. This letter is written in the hope of making widely known the existence of this little Pisan " Sanctuary," so that any possessing Mazzinian relics may take advantage of it and place there, either by gift or by bequest, any suitable treasure they may possess. All correspondence on the subject has been kindly undertaken by Signora Giglioli (7 Viale Umberto, Pisa), the English widow of Professor Giglioli, of Pisa University, a lifelong and devoted student and follower of Mazzini. She will gladly reply to all inquiries.—I am,