SIR,—May I point out an error in your report of the East Leicester by-election? Mr. W. Allen, the Independent Liberal candidate, polled only 3,825 votes, not, as you state, 6,825. Tour Conclusion, therefore, that the Labour candidate " was returned by a minority of the voters because those who believe in sane economic principles were divided " is entirely erroneous, Alderman G. H. Banton, M.P., having, in point of fact, secured no less than 1,527 more votes than the combined poll of his twc opponents. As your statement is rather more than a mere printer's error I hope you will, with your usual fair-mindedness,
publish this letter.—I am, Sir, &e., H. W. SHAWCROSS. 1917 Club, 4 Gerrard Street, W. I.
[We much regret the error. We took the figures from the Times, but the Times for once, we find, was guilty of a serious misprint. As Mr. Shawcross kindly points out, Mr. Banton actually received a majority of the votes cast. His victory was thus more significant than we supposed, while, on the other hand, the Independent Liberal fared very badly indeed in this old Liberal stronghold.—En. Spectator.]