Mr. Churchill, speaking at Dundee last Saturday, said that the
condition of Ireland caused grave anxiety and that it might get worse before it got better. The British Government stood by the Treaty. Irishmen were free to govern or misgovern as they chose, and could no longer blame us for their misfortunes. " If Irishmen choose to cut off their nose to -spite their face we cannot prevent them, and we shall not try to prevent them." fir. Churchill, with reference to Mr. De Valera's motto, " Burn everything English except their coal," reminded the Irish leader ' that of Ireland's exports—valued at £205,000,000—last year we bought to the value of £203,000,000. We could buy elsewhere what Ireland sends us, but Ireland could find no other market for her agricultural produce. Mr. Churchill pointed out that - we eoald only pay for these goods by exporting_ our manufactures and our coal to Ireland. The economic dependence of Ireland upon Gnat Britain is indeed a fact-that the. maddest Republican cannot explain away.