There are persistent rumours of a revival of the Red
Terror in Russia, directed mainly against the clergy. The Bolsheviks profess a desire that the Orthodox Church should • give up its " treasures " for the relief of the famine-stricken peasantry. The only " treasures " left to the Church, which was plundered long age, are theaacred vessels and vestments.used in the services, and the clergy and their flocks naturally object to part with these things. "it is to be, presumed that the Bolsheviks, who are either Jews or Atheists, fear the revival of the Church, in which alone the wretched people can find consolation. The Archbishop of 'Kieft informed the Archbishop of Canterbury last week that the Bolsheviks, in the first three years of their rule, murdered the Metropolitan, five Archbishops and sixteen Bishops. The list of martyrs is now, it seems, to be extended.