15 APRIL 1955, Page 17

NEWS CHRONICLE StR,—As Chairman of the News Chronicle, my attention

has been called to a reference to the News Chronicle which appeared in Mr. Randolph Churchill's article on the newspaper strike in last week's Spectator.

This reference was to the effect that a state- ment had been made in recent negotiations that before the strike began, 'some newspapers, notably the News Chronicle, were already losing money.'

I write to state, therefore, that there is no truth whatsoever in the suggestion that the News Chroncle was losing money. On the contrary, the News Chronicle was making perfectly normal profits up to the date of the stoppage, and will, I confidently anticipate, continue to do so when newspapers resume publication, which we all hope may be soon. In view of the damaging nature of the false statement in question, I should be glad if you would give my letter full prominence in your columns.—Yours faithfully, L J. CADBURY Chairman 12-22 Bouverie Street, London, E.C.4