15 APRIL 1955, Page 18

SIR.-1 was most interested to read Mr. M. C. N.

D'Arcy's letter published in your issue of March 25, in which he refers to his wife's forebear, Joseph Gellibrand. who was eaten by aborigines in Australia in 1837.

Among the few surviving records of the early activities of this company is the first life policy to be issued by the 'Alliance' in Australia. This is dated 1834 and the life assured was Joseph Tice Gellibrand We also have a letter dated July 3, 1838. from Mr. Gellibrand's executors to our then agent in Australia in reply to his inquiry 'whether any further intelligence has been received to this period respecting Mr. Gellibrand's fate or anything transpired to throw discredit on the general opinion that this gentleman has perished by the hands of the natives at Port Philip.' In reply, the executors state that 'not any the slightest information but such as has tended to confirm this melancholy fact has up to this moment reached us nor have we un- happily the least reason to doubt the certainty of his death.'

The claim was duly paid on July 19, 1838, and as only three premiums had been collected, the transaction proved to be one of our less remunerative ventures.—Yours faithfully.

General Manager

Alliance Assurance Company, Limited