15 AUGUST 1874, Page 2

Italy seems to be troubled with insurgents, who rise at

different points with no apparent motive, and threaten places where arms happen for be stored. An armed band, for instance, left Imola on the 7th inst. for Castel del Pietro, and on their way, to prevent intelligence of their movements,, destroyed the telegraphs, seized a station-master, and tried to arrest the express train. The driver, however, reversed his engines just in• time. Arrests have been made in Florence, Naples, and Bologna, and' it is asserted that the International is-at the bottom of the disturbances. That society is-at the bottom of everything, by some accounts, from the burning of Paris to the arrival of the comet; but it may, of course, have endeavoured to keep itself en evidence by a movement in Italy, where nobody, whatever he does, ever gets properly hanged. There is not much danger there, however, outside Naples. The- peasantry are the land- lords' partners, and the citizens want to see capital come, not to drive it away. Italy has been honeycombed for ages' with secret societies, but their object has seldom been a revolution in-society, but rather a recurrence to the old freedom in politics. The foreigner once out, there is as little revolutionary pasaion in Italy as in England.