It seems finally settled that the Czar is to visit
Paris some- time about the 6th or 10th of October—the police responsible for his safety naturally do not care to be too precise as to dates —and the Paris newspapers are getting into a great state of ex- citement as to what to say and what not to say. Shall they wound the Czar's feelings by calling " Vive la Rtipublique!" and will it do to cry " Vive l'Empereur !" considering the associa- tions? The final conclusion seems to be to leave the matter to the instinctive tact and good taste of the Parisian mob. We do not see any cause for anxiety. The Czar is quite wise enough to know that even if some foolish Anarchist were to. make a demonstration it would mean nothing. But in truth there is little fear either of this or of the old " Vive la Pologne, Monsieur !" The Czar will also visit Germany and England. His reception here will be most cordial, for, rightly or wrongly, the English people have got it into their heads that he means well by them, and they desire to show that they mean equally well by him.