15 AUGUST 1903, Page 16


[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR.": Sra,—I venture to suggest that you should print the whole of Hume's essay, " Of the Jealousy of Trade," of which your correspondent gives only the opening sentence in the Spectator of August 8th. It would scarcely occupy two columns, and both it and its preceding essay, " Of the Balance of Trade," might be enlightening to some of your correspondents in the present controversy. Hume's essays, too much neglected now, are not only delightful reading, but highly instructive, containing as they do that now rare literary quality,—the

matured thought of a wise man.—I am, Sir, &c., M.

[We regret that we have not space to adopt our corre- spondent's suggestions, and can only advise our readers to read the essays themselves.—ED. Spectator.]