Count Khuen Hedervary has resigned the Premiership of Hungary, finding
it impossible to resist the impression created by the bribery scandal, though he is acknowledged to have proved his personal innocence. The two factions of the Opposition instantly became fused, M. Kossuth again accept- ing their general leadership, and it was impossible, therefore, to go on without concessions. So serious is the situation considered that the Emperor-King has gone to Bnda-Pesth to confer with the Parliamentary leaders, and, it is supposed, will accept Count Apponyi as the next Premier. That means a separation of the Armies, which would be followed by a termination of the " arrangement," which has worked for more than thirty years, and would imply the complete independence of each half of the Dual Monarchy. The Emperor will be slow to consent to the undoing of his life- work, and his personal influence is so great that he may still be able to suggest and carry a working compromise. It must not be forgotten that the house of Hapsburg, if driven too hard, has a tremendous weapon to exhibit. Was it not the Emperor Francis who counselled his descendants, if they were ever in despair, to declare themselves Slav Monarchs, that is, to appeal to the great majority of their subjects against the more cultivated classes