Xbe Ropertator
AUGUST 17, 1833 THE NATIONAL GALLERY JOB THE pictures belonging to the nation arc, it seems, still to be treated little better than so much lumber; for we are as far off as ever from having a National Gallery. The old house in Pall Mall, where they have hitherto been stowed away, must immediately be taken down, or they might perchance have remained there till it fell in and buried its treasures under the ruins. . . . Since the above was written, the subject has been talked over again in the Committee of Supply, on the motion of Lord DUNCANNON for a grant of 10,000 1. as a first instalment for the new Gal- lery. The general impression appeared to be in favour of a new building on the site of the Mews, to form one side of Trafalgar Square, but without obstructing the front view of the Church.