1,005 Solution on August 29
I No tip called for by this laden attendant (4-6)
6 Love of the old head (4) 10 Lamed in getting a decoration (5)
11 Mother's musician devised A New Way to Pay Old Debts (9)
12 The state of the finished puzzle and its fans, one hopes! (8) 13 The underworld as seen by the ancient Greeks? (6) 15 Dispatched by modern musicians
16 'The Lily Maid' of Victorian literature? (4)
17 It would serve the poet a good turn (5) 20 'And down the — ale' (Muse- field) (5) 21 It's hard to take (4) 22 Love to little Valentine (4)
24 . .. three witches, for instance (6) 26 Mount of one of those legendary 14 Better namo for discount (10) Marines? (3-5) 15 No loser if in this battle (9)
29 How to brighten up a tired air (9) 30 Desirable on confections but not on wings (5) 31 In lapidary inscriptions a man in not upon —' (Johnson) 32 Coppers round the steps can be a terrible nuisance (10) DOWN
I Gets rid of low spirits (5)
2 Was it these pastries that pro- duced signs of age? (9) 3 London was this pedestrian's stage objective (5) 4 A mute claim to be modest (10) 5 The Ayes have it in comfortable fashion (4) 7 'Look homeward, —, now, and melt with ruth' (Milton) (5) 8 Naturally gunners expect such rigidity (9) 9 To get wisdom, remain round the victory sign (7)
A first prize of a copy of Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary and a second prize of a hook token for one guinea will be awarded to the senders of the first two correct solutions opened on August 26. Address solutions: Crossword No.1005, 99 Gower St., London, WCI,
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary is recommended for Crosswords.
18 About the variant, you should return to type (9)
19 In America Cyrus and I'd produce a poisonous compound! (7) 23 'The cock's — clarion' (Gray)
25 Th) e bird who is for example on the retired list (5)
27 He takes pride of place naturally (5) 28 A dainty shrew, we hear (4)
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