Cho Court, Viscount Melbourne arrived at Windsor Castle on Sunday
afternoon. On Monday, Viscount Melbourne walked with the Queen on the Castle Terrace. ()n Tuesday morning, Viscount Melbourne rdde out with her Majesty.
A privy Council was held on Wednesday, attended by Viscount Melbourne, Lord Cottenham, Lord Glentlg, Lord Howick, Lord Minto, Mr. Poulett Thomson, and the Earl of Albemarle. The chief business related to the Colonies. Sir John Colborne was appointed Governor- General of the British North American Provinces, in the room of Lord Durham. A proclamation against torch-light meetings was ordered to be issued.
After the Council broke up, Viscount Melbourne and a party of ntlemen rode out with the Queen. Again on Thursday, at, who still remained at the Castle, accompanied her fly ride. count Melbourne went with the Queen and an eques- trian party to witness the turning out of a stag, at Mile.bouse, between Salt Hill and Maidenhead.
It is now certain that the Qneen intends to 4o to Brighton on the 18th instant; but it is said the Royal visit will not exceed a fortnight.