A son of Lord Carew offers himself as candidate for
the county of Waterford, in the room of Mr. Power, who retires in consequence of ill health.
On Monday, a meeting, summoned by the High Sheriff of Louth, was held at Dundalk ; and resolutions in favour of the total abolition of Tithes in substance as well as name, and a measure of Corporate Reform, were passed.
Considerable alarm begins to prevail in various parts of this country on account of the very high price of provisions, particularly oatmeal and potatoes. In the neighbourhood of Swords, Balbriggan, and other villages adjacent to Dublin, the Magistrates of all parties, residing in the district, have deemed it necessary to convene a meeting, with a view of urging the Poor-law Commissioners to facilitate their engage- ments for putting the law into operation, in consequeuce of the inability of the poor to procure the means of existence. A similar course will, I imagine, be adopted in many other places. We have the prospect of one of the dearest winters ever remembered ; and already, in some instances, the lower orders have exhibited a determination to prevent the removal of potatoes for sale.—Times Dublin Correspondent.