Business has been rather more active in the English market this week, although quotations have not experienced any important variations. The news from China published per telegram on Monday, caused the Funds to open heavily at a decline of / per cent, Consols, being first quoted 921 921 ex div. The opinion of the majority, that the telegram was equivalent to an announcement of a prolongation of the war, had a depressing effect, and stock to a large extent was brought upon the market, until Consols were freely offered at 921. On the other hand, quotations have been sup- ported from a further decline by a better tone in financial matters received from America, the last advises showing exchanges to have improved. There have been, however, some large exports of specie, and considerable amounts are still expected to be withdrawn. Some large arrivals have also taken place, but the greater part has been purchased for the Continent. The Consul market has been sensitive todad2,1 but upon the whole a better tone prevails, and the final quotation is 921 ; India Stock and Ditto Five per Cents shut ; New and Reduced shut ; Exchequer Bills, 5i die. 2 die.
The Foreign Market has been much firmer this week, prices are all quoted higher ; a large amount of business has been transacted bona fide and specu- lative. Mexican Stock has been steady, notwithstanding the late unfayour- able intelligence from Mexico, and closes this afternoon at 211 21f ; Peru- vian Stocks have advanced rather more than 1 per cent, and leave off for the Four-and-a-Half per Cents, 951 96k; for the Three per Cents, 73 74; Ditto ITribanen, 82 84 ; Ditto Dollar Bonds, 80 81 ex dix. ; Buenos Ayres, 95 97 ; Ditto Three per Cents, 30 31, showing an advance of fully 1 per cent ; 22; Venezuela, 21 Ditto One-and-a-Half per Cents, 1112; Grenada
Active, 151 16i; Ditto Deferred, 61 6; Six per Cents, stationary, 102 104; Ditto Four-and-a-Half per Cents, 81 82; Russian Five per Cents, 105 107 ; Ditto Three per Cents, 62 621 ; Sardinian, 83 84 ; 'Victor Em- manuel, 9798. Turkish Stocks have not undergone any material change in spite of the new loan of 10,000,000/. now being negotiated. Spanish has again been in demand, and closes at an additional improvement. The Three per Cents, 50 51; Deferred, 41i 2, and the Certificates, 6 61. Money has been easy in this Market, and averaged 4 per cent. Operations, both for investment and account, have been frequent and extensive since Monday last in the Railway Share Market. The fluctuations have been sharp every day, but with few exceptions quotations are all at higher figures ; thus—Midland Stock is now 1351 135j; Great Western, 731 73k; Lancashire and York- shire, 1201 1201 ; Lon on and South-Western, 95 9k; Caledonian has risen to 99/ 99; York and North Midland, 931 941; Chester and Holyhead, 521 53f ; North-Britishr641 651 ; Great Northern, 110 111' Sheffield, 49 491 ; Great Northern A Stock has declined to 106 107 • North Staffordshire, 14/ 15. Money has been in demand, during the sealing, at about five per cent.
The French Share Market has not been particularly active, and prices show Jittle or no alteration—Lombardo-Venetian, I 1 discount, closing dull ; Namur and Liege 71 7f ; Luxembourg improved to 61 61. A good deal has been transactdin the various Marine Insurance Companies, and the values have risen considerably; the latest quotations are as follow— Ocean, 3f 4 premium ; Universal, 1 1/ premium ; London and Provincial, 1 premium ; Thames and Mersey, 1 1 premium.