"The Pilgrim : a Dialogue of the Life and Actions of King Henry the Eighth," by William Thomas, Clerk of the Council of Edward the Sixth, with Notes from the Archives at Paris and Brussels, by Mr. J. A. Froude, is announced by Messrs. J. W. Parker and Co.
Messrs. Macmillan and Co have in preparation a "Life of Blake, the Artist," to be copiously illustrated from his own productions ; also, "Lives of the Sheridans," by the Honourable Mrs. Norton, the grand- daughter of Richard Brinsley Sheridan.
'A new work, by Dr. Brinton, " On Food and Digestion ; " a " His- torical and Chronological Encyclopeedia," by Mr. Woodward ; and " Clenreggan, or a Highland Home in Cantyre, (Cantyre, the Ancient Capital of Scotland,) by Cuthbert Bede, are preparing for publication, by Messrs. Longman and Co.
Mr. J. A. St. John has in the press the first volume of a new "His- tory of England, from the Earliest Period th the Death of William the Conqueror." In this work, which will be completed in five other vo- lumes, the author is stated to have made use of a vast quantity of new materials front the archives of the State Paper Office.
Messrs. Nisbet and Co. are preparing for publication a "Memoir of the Life and Ministry of the Reverend David Sandeman, Missionary to China," by the Reverend A. Bonar ; and "The History of Christianity in India, from the commencement of the Christian Era," by the late Reverend J. Hough, formerly Chaplain to the Honourable East India Company at Madras, edited by his Son.
Those readers of the Times who have taken an interest in the recent dis- cussion of the state of the Navy by sundry correspondents of that journal, will be glad to know that two articles on the same subject will appear in the number of the Cornhill Magazine for January, one of them written by Admiral Elliot. The character and exploits of General Sir James Outram will be the subject of another article in the same number, and Mr. Thaekeray will present his readers with the first three chapters of his new novel.
Meesrs. Michel Levy, freres, have just published " Correspondance Diplomatiqu.e de Joseph de Maistre de 1311 a 1317," edited by M. Al- bert Blanc; and " CEuvres et Correspondences inedites d'Alexis de Too- queville," edited, with an introduction by M. Gustave de Beaumont.
The first volume of a new French translation of the works of Shake- speare, by M. Guizot ; and an " Essai sur Marc Aurele," by M. Noel des
Vergers, by been published by Messrs. Didier and Co., Paris.
" La Souverainete Temporelle des Papes," by the Abbe M. Tenougi ; and "Les Sentiments de Napoleon I. stir le Christianisme, d'apres des Documents Authentiques," have been brought out by A. Bray, Paris.
M. Joseph Droz member of the French Academy, has just published, through J. Renonaircl, Paris, an " Histoire du Regne de Louis XVI., pen- dant lea Annees oft ron pouvait prevenir ou diriger la Revolution."
H. Plon, Paris, has brought cut " Chronique Du Roi Francoys,
premier de ce nom publiee pour la premiere fois d'apres menu- ssrit de la Bibliotheque Imperiale," edited, with notes and an intro- duction, by G. Guiffley.
A collection of African travels, under the title " Le Niger et les Ex- plorations de rAfrique Centrale depuis Mungo Park jusqu'au Docteur Barth," by M. F. de Lanoye, has been published by Messrs. Hachette and Co., Paris.
The first volume of a " Recueil des Ordonnances des Pays-Bas Autri- chiens," edited by M. Gachard, has appeared at Brussels. The volume contains the edicts and decrees from 1700 to 1706.
An "Armorial General, contenant la Description des Armoiries des Families nobles et Patrimennes de l'Europe; precede d'un Dictionnaire des Termes des Blasons," in three volumes, has been published at Gouda, Holland.
A contribution to -Dutch colonial history, " Geschiedenis van Suri- name, van de Ontdekking van Amerika tot op den Tegenwoordigen Tijd," by J. Wolbers, has been brought out at Amsterdam.
A " Geschichte des Orderer der Tempelherren, nebst Bericht fiber seine Beziehungen zu den Freimaurem mid den neuem Pariser TeM- plern " (" History of the Order of the Templars, with a Notice of its Relation to the Freemasons and the Modem Paris Templars"), by Dr. Pd. Wilcke, has been published by M. Schwetschke, Halle.
The eighth and ninth volumes of Herman von Meyer's great work,
I" Palaeontographica : Beitrage zur Naturgeschichte der Vorwelt " ("Con- tributions to the Natural History of the Antediluvian World" with numerous engravings, has been brought out by M. Fischer, Cease
The sixth volume of the "Monuments Zollerana," or collection of documents relating to the history of the House of Hohenzollern, edited by Chevalier von Hillfried and Professor Maereker, has been published by Messrs. Ernst and Co., Berlin. The documents of this volume extend over the period from 1398 to 1411.
A "Numismatica Veneta : Sane di Monete e Medaglie dei Dogi di Venezia ; Dlustrazioni Scientifiehe che Fenno parte e Possono Starsene Separate della Stork Del Dogi," in quarto, with many Illustrations, has appeared at Venice.
The first two volumes of " Monumenti Storici Rivelati dell' steelisi della Parole," by Dr. P. Marzolo, have been published at Padua.
At Warasdin, Hungary, has been published " Narodne Pripovjedke Skupio u i oko Varazdina." (Popular Tales collected in the environs of Warasdin), by Matija K. Valjavec. The book is described by German critics as an interesting characteristic of the Magyar race.