SIR,—Your correspondent " Scot" (Spectator, December 8th) reminds me of a story of the days of my youth very much on the same lines as his own. The clergyman was holding forth to a sick woman on the joys of heaven and the Better Land. When he had finished he waited for some response to his exhortations, but all he got was : " Well, it may be all quite true, but what I always says is, Old England for me." Another story was told by the Vicar of W—. He had been reading to an old man the story of Lazarus, and seeing that he looked very earnestly and attentively at him, he said at the conclu- sion of the chapter, " Well, John, what are you thinking about ? " " Indeed, Sir," says John, " I've been thinking as how you had a beard like a billy-goat."—I am, Sir, &c., Greatharn Rectory, West Liss, Hants. F. R. BRYAN&