We have received a parcel of diaries, memorandum-books, pocket-books, &c.,
of various kinds and sizes, from Messrs. De La Rue and Co. Some are portable, some stationary ; some are truly pocket-books, inasmuch as they can be borne in any pocket without materially affecting the "set" of the garment; and some of the memorandum-books have the recommendation of being " indelible." It is difficult to specify them ; indeed, some have no specific name. But the Desk Diary may be mentioned as being specially convenient. Of a pocket size, and notably complete, is the Improved Indelible Diary and Memorandum-Book, edited by Everard Roberts. Another with the same title, and appearing under the same editorship, but with the distinguish. ing "Size D," is a really handsome book, as well as convenient.— W e have also received from Messrs. Hudson and Kearns speci- mens of a convenient combination of diary and blotting-pad, with pages ruled for accounts. These are of various sizes and prices, suited for the dimensions of tables big and little.—If a pen is not exactly a part of literature it is certainly not remote from it. The " U " pen with which Mr. T. Fisher Unwin has enriched the apparatus of authorship is certainly an aid to good writing. The printers will bless it, and possibly the public.