The German Imperial Estimates for 1907, published this week, show
revenue and expenditure which balance at 2128,253,671. Of this figure, there is a normal recurring expenditure of 2101,000,000, a non-recurring item of 213,500,000, which will' be met out of revenue, while there are 213,500,000 of extra- ordinary Estimates, mainly for the Army and Navy, which will be met by loans. As compared with the current year, the Estimates show an increase in ordinary expenditure of 27,000,000, and in extraordinary expenditure of 21,500,000. So far as the Army is concerned, the chief new demand is the million in extraordinary Estimates for the development of land fortifications at Cologne and Uhu. The Navy Estimates are considerably increased by new sums for armaments and the torpedo branch, and there is a large extraordinary expenditure on new construction. The Estimates renew the demand for a Colonial Office, which was rejected by the Reichstag last summer. New taxation is foreshadowed, but the nature of it is not yet disclosed.