Women and the , West. By Charles Marriott. (Eveleigh Nash. 6s.)—In
his short stories Mr. Charles Marriott frees himself from the congestion of style which marks some of his longer novels. These sketches are quite different from the ordinary short stories which appear in the lighter magazines, and have that sense of literature which the reader confidently expects from the authot of "The Column." The first story, "The Poet's Licence," is the most ingenious in the book, though "At the Perry" contains far more romance and poetry. There is no particular reason except alliteration why Mr. Marriott should have called the collection • Women and the West. Men play quite as large a part in the stories, and their Characters are given with the same rapid , analysis which marks those of the women. The volume may be
recommended to those readers who exact something more from
• the short-story than an ingenious plot ending with the conven- tional marriage bells.