Little Brother and Little Sister, with other taloa from Grimm
(Conetable and Co., 75. Od. net), Is an attractive reprint, with many charming coloured plates by Mr. Arthur Rackhatn.—The Banos publishers reissue Hans Andersen's Fairy Tales (7s. Gd. net) with Mr. W. Heath Robinson's excellent illustrations hi colour, and Goldsmith's Vicar of Walcefiekl (69. net), illustrated by Mr. E. J. Sullivan in his most humorous vein. All throe books are printed in good bold typo.—From Messrs. Constable and Co. also comes,, re. print, cleverly illustrated by Mr. A. S. Boyd, of Mr. Charles Murray'. Fiemewith (Os.), with Andrew Lang's Introduction to this interesting oolleetion of witty modern Soots verso —Another good reprint of Hans Anderson's Fairy Tales. "set forth in simple words for young children," comes from Messrs. Chambers (7s. ed. net). It is pleasantly illustrated in colours by Mr. Gordon Robinson.— Mr. A. J. Dawson has written a highly interesting story of a dog, In Sussex and Canada, in his J05, Sacs of Finn (Constable and Co., fts.)—a sequel to his Finn the Wolfhound.