The British Training School for Women Patrols and Police has
sent us a copy of its Arinua/ Report, which shows that the school has already trained and found poets for twenty-three qualified women in provincial towns and national factories. The school was founded and is managed by a Committee representing the British branch of the National Union of Women Workers, the Somerset Association for the Welfare of Women and Girls, and other societies. The demand for its trained workers is far greater than the supply. " Educated and experienced women, from twenty-seven to forty- five, with good sight, hearing, and general health, height over 5f1. 3 in., who are free to undertake this really national service, are asked to apply at once for full particulars to the Director, Miss W. 0. G. Peto, at 77 Queen's Road, Bristol." A qualified and tactful woman who desires to benefit her own sex and raise the whole tune of street life could not choose a more useful career than this.