[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR, With the dissolution of Mr. Baldwin's Government closes one of the most ignoble periods of English political history. The Governments and the nation have impotently allowed the destruction of one European nation by another, unable to see that the destroyer is growing into as great a menace as was ever the destroyed. The political parties and the electorate are indifferent. It is useless to gainsay this. A certain section of the Press has with fine conviction and persistence fought for decency and common sense ; but for the rest of us the blighting indifferentism of America has infected us too, and we look dully on at what we know to be evil, and what we have not the wit to see will be, event- ually, our own undoing. One man stands out with a con- science and a clear brain, General Smuts. All honour to liim.—I am, Sir, &c.,