15 DECEMBER 1939, Page 21


SIR,—Mr. R. T. M. Haines deplores the relaxing of the Government control of margarine on the ground that all the margarine marketed under this control contained added vita- mins 4 and D, whereas these vitamins are only found in "the best kinds of branded margarine."

All brands of margarine marketed by this company for sale to the. public are vitaminised, and since several other com- panies vitaminise their products it is estimated that this applies to about 75 per cent, of the total margarine consumed in this country. As your readers will have seen, after the relax- ing of. the Government control margarine manufacturers fixed the maximum price at 8d. a pound, the cheapest brands being retailed at 5d. Vitaminised margarines are obtainable not only, as Mr. Haines fears, in the more expensive brands, but also in the 5d. brands.

In all cases where margarine is vitaminised the fact is clearly stated on the wrapper, so that there is no difficulty in ensuring that one does, in fact, obtain a vitaminised brand. The rationing of butter, therefore, will in no way reduce the supply of those most important vitamins, A and D, even to those of the most restricted purses.—Yours faithfully, For LEVER BROTHERS AND UNILEVER, LIMITED, J. P.. VAN DEN BERGH, Director.

Unilever House, Blackfriars, London, E.G. 4.