15 DECEMBER 1967, Page 27

Sir; The criticism of the new British Standard Time in

'Spectator's Notebook' (1 December) will have been read by so many, as it was by me, with whole-hearted approval.

To advance the clock for that period of the year when precious daylight is wasted in bed by the majority of our people is sound common sense. To apply it all the year round is arrant nonsense. It is tantamount to admitting that our national habits of starting work, school, etc at certain hours of the clock are not those which serve the best interests of the people. Again the man in Whitehall thinks he knows best.

In due course we may expect the hours of starting work etc to be adjusted, as they are now, to take best advantage of the limited daylight in the autumn and winter months, and we shall be back where we are, schools beginning the aay at 10 am BST, i.e. 9 am GMT.

No doubt some future socialist government, having, as is its wont, duly devalued the pound, will then proceed to interfere in the preferred habits of the people by again advancing the clock by one hour.

Hamish D. MacLaren Beechwoods, Summer Lane, Combe Down, Bath