15 FEBRUARY 1840, Page 11


WAn.orrtcr, Feb. 14.-6th Regt. Drag. Guards—Lieut. 0. V. Jackson. from the 53r11 Foot, to be Capt. vice F. Brown, retired upon his fltrmer half-pay. Scots' Fusilier Guards—Lieut. and Capt. J. T, G. Taubman to be Capt. :ltd Lieut.• Col. by purchase, vice Digby, who retires ; 1-hi4iutt and Lieut. E. J. Stacey to be Lieut. and Capt. by purchase, vice Taubman ; W. 1'. Feel, Gent. to he Ensign and [feet. by purchase, vise Stracey. 12th Foot —Capt. A. Horne, from the 44th Foot, to be Capt. vice Marsh. appointed to the 80111 Foot ; .1, [folder, Gent. to Lo Emign, by purchase, vice 0 Toole, who retires. 21st Foot —L. Macquarie, Gout. to be Second Lieut. by purchase, rice Carnac, promoted in the 41st Foul. 30th Feat—A. P. Atherley, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Ifollati, appointed to the 44110 Foot. ;7'5tit Foot—Gent. t'adet S. Bemlyske, from time Royal Mil, I:allege, to lie Ensign, by I urchase, vice I,ees, ap. pointed to the list Foot. 39th F. a —Ensign It. H. 'Jerrie to be Lieut. by purelta se, vice Little, whose toe promotion, by purchase, has been cancelled; R. S. Colts, Gent. to be Ensign, without purehase, vne Walker, promoted; E. R. Stuart. Gent. to be I; si g 11, without purchase, vier Currie, prnouted. 40th Foot—Ensign F. T. I,. litts,ell to be Lieut. without pureltae, vice M iganty, wIt,e promotion has beet cancelled. 41st poet—second [dem. J. hi. faring, Ilene the 21st Foot, to be Lieut. by p.m:base, vice 'Wallace, who retires, -1401 Poot—Lieut. T. It. I.eigton to be C.tpt. by ice 1101.ne, appOinted to the lt;th Foot ; liusitu W. G. Robot, to be Lictit I c purtdc,e, vies Leighton; Ensign William C. Mollan, from the '..X1tIt Foot, to be Ensigo. vier Italian. 46th Foot—F. Ilaygarth, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Mont, promoted. 50th Foot —Ensign (....11;tedotinell.110Itt hair-ply 82nd Foot, to be Benign, vie.. Wake- field, appointed Quartermaster of the :;fah ; G. D. Prettejohn, lieut. to be Ensign, by plIfehase, vice NIacdonliall, who retir,.i. (list Foot—Ensigt, G. c. Lees, rmin the 35th Foot, to be Ensign. vice Howell, promoted in the 2n,1 'West India Regiment. 71st Foot—Capt. G. ('muting, t'r in half-pay unattached, to be Captain, vice R. Cheney, who exchanges. 6011, Foot—Captain F. 3larsh, from the 12th Futd, to be Captain, vice Furlong. who retires, ad West India Regiment—Ensign G. Howell, front the 61st Foot, to be Lieutenant, by parchasti, vise iroatt, who retires.

Royal Malta Feuvilde Regiment—Lieut. II. Bouttvita to be Captain, with local and temporary rank, v ice Enid. dec.; Ensign G. Gender to be Lieut. with local and tem- porary rank, vice Boaavita ; Volunteer Cadet F. Eynand to be Ensign, with local and temporary intik, vice C. ruler.

Brevet.—The underineutioncil Cadets or the Boo. the East India f'inapati■ 's Service, toh i'c the temporary rank in. Ettsigns thtriag the period of their being pt: cod under the co,tuttaild of Col. Paslev, at' the Royal Engineers at fiw field toot-L[0;0os in the art of Sapping and 'Alitelli%itti, Get.; C. Haines, Gent.; II. 1V,

Ilitchens, Gent.