Stn,—I have read with deep concern the half-truths and misrepresentation of facts contained in the article "The Poles in Italy" in your issue of February 1st. Is it possible that the heroic deeds of General Anders' Army at Monte Cassino, Ancona and Bologna should be so soon forgotten? The author of this article asserts that General Anders keeps an army of over too,000 men on a permanent war footing. What is the total truth? The Polish troops in Italy are an integral part of the British occupation forces in that country, and remain, therefore, under the supreme British Command, and enjoy exactly the same status as other occupation forces. Field-Marshal Alexander held them always in high esteem, and is a per- sonal friend of General Anders. It is a particularly misleading accusation to say that the Poles are "hereditary enemies par excellence of Russia." The fact is that for about two centuries Poland was the victim of Russian aggression, as every history and text book will testify. Is it not nearer the truth that the Russians are the "enemies par excellence of Poland"?
Then the soldiers of General Anders' army are branded with possessing the "fiery fanaticism of Polish nationalism." But what would the feelings of any nation be if its country was first mutilated and then subjugated by a foreign and allegedly allied Power? According to the article these soldiers are nearly all Poles from Congress (i.e. Central Poland), and are mostly "reactionary." Whereas the majority belonged to Eastern Poland, and were deported in 1939-40 from there to the interior of Russia, and Put into concentration camps often in remote Arctic regions. They are chiefly of the peasant and working classes, and their homes were in that part of Poland now annexed by Russia.
I know personally from British officers who formed part of our forces in Italy of the great friendliness and confidence existing between the Italian population and the Polish soldiers. The author seems to lack all knowledge of the true facts of the case. The palpable half-truth in the statement that some Poles fought on Hitler's side is especially disturbing, as it is known that Hitler forcibly conscripted all the male population of the Polish Western provinces. The effect of this article can only be to increase ill-feeling in the hearts of the people, instead of contributing
to real peace and harmony.—Yours truly, R. GRAVES. C/o Midland Bank, 31 King's Road, Chelsea, S.W.3.